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Patrick Lamers, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Research Areas:
Bioenergy Analysis; Bioenergy Technologies


Dr. Patrick Lamers is a Research Scientist with the Idaho National Laboratory, stationed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. He is currently the Principal Investigator for three projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office focusing on feedstock mobilization. Patrick’s academic degrees include a Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from Utrecht University, the Netherlands, a Master of Science in Environmental Management and Policy from Lund University, Sweden, and a Master of Science in Business Engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He has been a senior researcher and consultant across North America and Europe for well over ten years, performing work for the private sector, governmental, as well as non-governmental agencies. By 2017, Patrick had lived and worked on four continents, had authored and co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific studies (including journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings), and had served as a contributing author to international reports including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. He is currently a reviewer of several academic journals and a U.S. member of the IEA Bioenergy Task 40.


Ph.D., Energy and Resources, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
M.S., Environmental Management and Policy, Lund University, Sweden
M.S., B.S., Business Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

IEA Bioenergy Task 40
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)​



Scientific Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Olsson, O., A. Roos, R. Guisson, L. Bruce, P. Lamers, B. Hektor, D. Thrän, D. Hartley, J. Ponitka, J. Hildebrandt (in press). Time to tear down the pyramids? A critique of cascading hierarchies as a policy tool. WIREs Energy & Environment.


Dunn, J. B., M. Biddy, S. Jones, H. Cai, P. T. Benavides, J. Markham, L. Tao, E. Tan, C. Kinchin, R. Davis, A. Dutta, M. Bearden, C. Clayton, S. Phillips, K. Rappé, P. Lamers (in press). Environmental, economic, and scalability considerations and trends of selected fuel economy-enhancing biomass-derived blendstocks. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

Cowie, A., F. Ximenes, G. Berndes, P. Lamers and G. Marland (2016). "Policy institutions and forest carbon." Nature Climate Change 6(9): 805.


Lamers, P., E. C. D. Tan, E. M. Searcy, C. Scarlata, K. G. Cafferty and J. J. Jacobson (2015). Strategic supply system design—a holistic evaluation of operational and production cost for a biorefinery supply chain. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining, DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1575.


Lamers, P., M. S. Roni, J. S. Tumuluru, J. J. Jacobson, K. G. Cafferty, J.K. Hansen, K. L. Kenney, F. Teymouri and B. Bals (2015). Techno-economic analysis of decentralized biomass processing depots. Bioresource Technology, 194, pp. 205-213.


Lamers, P., R. Hoefnagels, M. Junginger, C. Hamelinck, A. Faaij (2015). Global solid biomass trade for energy by 2020: an assessment of potential import streams and supply costs to North-West Europe under different sustainability constraints. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 7(4), pp. 618-634.


P. Lamers, M. Junginger (2013). The ‘debt’ is in the detail: a synthesis of recent temporal forest carbon analyses on woody biomass for energy. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 7(4), pp. 373-385.


P. Lamers, E. Thiffault, D. Paré, M. Junginger (2013). Feedstock specific environmental risk levels related to biomass extraction for energy from boreal and temperate forests. Biomass and Bioenergy 55(8), pp. 212-226.

P. Lamers, M. Junginger, C. Dymond, A. Faaij (2013). Damaged forests provide an opportunity to mitigate climate change. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6(1), pp. 44-60.

V. Schueler, U. Weddige, T. Beringer, L. Gamba, P. Lamers (2013). Global biomass potentials under sustainability restrictions defined by the European Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 5(6), pp. 652-663.

P. Lamers, C. Hamelinck, M. Junginger, A. Faaij (2012). Developments in international solid biofuel trade – an analysis of volumes, policies, and market factors. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(5), pp. 3176-3199.

P. Lamers, C. Hamelinck, M. Junginger, A. Faaij (2011). International bioenergy trade – a review of past developments in the liquid biofuels market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(6), pp. 2655-2676.

C. Klessmann, P. Lamers, M. Ragwitz, G. Resch (2010). Design options for cooperation mechanisms under the new European renewable energy directive. Energy Policy 38, pp. 4679–4691.

P. Lamers (2009). Measuring Heat. Renewable Energy Focus, EU Solar Supplement, May/June, pp. 24-25.

P. Lamers, F. Hofmann (2009). Auswirkungen der EEG-Novelle auf den Biogasmarkt [The impact of the amended feed-in tariff system on the German biogas market]. Euro Heat & Power 6, pp. 38-40.

P. Lamers, K. McCormick, J. A. Hilbert (2008). The emerging liquid biofuels market in Argentina: Implications for domestic demand and international trade. Energy Policy 36, pp. 1479-1490.

P. Lamers, N. Thamling (2008). Abwärmenutzung zur Klimatisierung im Sommer [Using excess heat for cooling in summer – cost benefit analysis and GHG balance comparison]. Euro Heat & Power 12, pp. 30-33.

P. Lamers (2008). Cooling in Summer with Heat from CHP Technologies. Euro Heat & Power III, pp. 22-25.

P. Lamers, M. Nast (2008). Noch spielt jeder sein eigenes Spiel [Accounting for renewable heat in the EU – status and expected difficulties with the up-coming EU RES Directive]. Erneuerbare Energien 05, pp. 78-79.

J.-P. Boutin, G. Gervasoni, R. Hlep, K. Seyboth, P. Lamers, M. Ratton, K. McCormick, L. Mundaca, A. Plepys (2006). Alternative energy sources in transition countries. The case of bio-energy in the Ukraine. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 5(3), pp. 471-486.

Book, Book Chapters, and Contributions

Lamers, P. (2014). Sustainable International Bioenergy Trade: Evaluating the impact of sustainability criteria and policy on past and future bioenergy supply and trade. PhD Dissertation, Utrecht University, ISBN 978-90-8672-058-3.

Lamers, P., F. Rosillo-Calle, L. Pelkmans and C. Hamelinck (2013). Chapter 2: Developments in international liquid biofuel trade. In Junginger, M., C. Goh and A. Faaij (Eds.). International Bioenergy Trade: History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets, pp. 17-40, Berlin, Springer.

Lamers, P., D. Marchal, J. Heinimö and F. Steierer (2013). Chapter 3: Woody biomass trade for energy. In Junginger, M., C. Goh and A. Faaij (Eds.). International Bioenergy Trade: History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets, pp. 41-64, Berlin, Springer.

Contributing author: Renewables - Global Status Report (GSR), Bioenergy Section, Editions 2012, 2013, and 2014. REN21/UNEP, Paris, France.

Contributing author: Mitchell, C., J. Sawin, G. Pokharel et al. (2011). Policy, Financing and Implementation. Chapter 11 of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Edenhofer, O., R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona et al. (Eds.). Cambridge, UK and New York, USA, Cambridge University Press.

Contributing author: Deploying Renewables – Worldwide Prospects and Challenges, published 2011 by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris, France.

Contributing author: Biofuels Baseline 2008, published 2011 by Ecofys, Agra CEAS, Chalmers University, IIASA and Winrock for the European Commission, DG ENER, Brussels, Belgium.


Book (chapter) publications

Developing the Global Bioeconomy - Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy (2016). Lamers, P., E. Searcy, J. R. Hess and H. Stichnothe (Eds.), Cambridge, MA, USA, Elsevier Academic Press.


Hess, J. R., P. Lamers, H. Stichnothe, M. Beermann and G. Jungmeier (2016). Chapter 1 - Bioeconomy Strategies. Developing the Global Bioeconomy, Academic Press: 1-9.


Searcy, E., P. Lamers, M. Deutmeyer, T. Ranta, B. Hektor, J. Heinimö, E. Trømborg and M. Wild (2016). Chapter 6 - Commodity-Scale Biomass Trade and Integration with Other Supply Chains. Developing the Global Bioeconomy, Academic Press: 115-137.


Olsson, O., P. Lamers, F. Schipfer and M. Wild (2016). Chapter 7 - Commoditization of Biomass Markets. Developing the Global Bioeconomy, Academic Press: 139-163.


Lamers, P., E. Searcy and J. R. Hess (2016). Chapter 8 - Transition Strategies: Resource Mobilization Through Merchandisable Feedstock Intermediates. Developing the Global Bioeconomy, Academic Press: 165-185.


Lamers, P., E. Searcy, J. R. Hess and H. Stichnothe (2016). Conclusions. Developing the Global Bioeconomy, Academic Press: 187-192.


Egnell, G., D. Paré, E. Thiffault and P. Lamers (2016). Chapter 4 - Environmental Sustainability Aspects of Forest Biomass Mobilisation. Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes, Academic Press: 50-67.


Lamers, P., T. Mai-Moulin and M. Junginger (2016). Chapter 8 - Challenges and Opportunities for International Trade in Forest Biomass. Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes, Academic Press: 127-164.


Thiffault, E., G. Berndes and P. Lamers (2016). Chapter 10 - Challenges and Opportunities for the Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes. Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes, Academic Press: 190-213.


Conference Proceedings and Other Publications (Selection)

Lamers, P. (2017). Task 40: Sustainable Biomass Markets and International Trade to support the Bioeconomy. Bioeconomy 2017, Washington D.C., U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office, July 11-12.


Thrän, D., Peetz, D., Schaubach, K., Trømborg, E., Pellini, A. Lamers, P. et al. (2017). Global Wood Pellet Industry and Market – Current Developments and Outlook. European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-15.


Talmadge, M., Batan, L., Lamers, P., Hartley, D., Biddy, M., Tao, L., Tan, E. (2016). Optimizing Biorefinery Design and Operations via Linear Programming Models. Symposium on Thermal and Catalytic Sciences for Biofuels and Biobased Products, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, November 1-4.


Hess, J.R., Lamers, P., Roni, M., Jacobson, J., Heath, B. (2015). Country Report 2014 – United States. IEA Bioenergy Task 40: Sustainable International Bioenergy Trade: Securing Supply and Demand.


Junginger, H.M., Lamers, P., Wicke, B. (2014). Sustainable bioenergy wood supply chains – development of a tool to assess first order risks of carbon debt and indirect effects on a project level. Final Report, Utrecht University, Stichting Platform Bio-Energie, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Heinimö, J., P. Lamers, T. Ranta (2013). International trade of energy biomass - an overview of the past development. Proceedings of the 21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: From Research to Industry and Markets, Copenhagen, Denmark.

P. Lamers, D. Marchal, P.-P. Schouwenberg, M. Cocchi, M. Junginger (2012). Global wood chip trade for energy. IEA Bioenergy Task 40 Sustainable International Bioenergy, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

J. van Eijck, C. S. Goh, M. Junginger, P. Lamers, A. Faaij (2012). Report on impacts of biofuels/bioproducts trade and new legislation on economies in Europe. Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Report of the FP7 Global-Bio-Pact Project (FP7-245085).

P. Lamers (2012). International biodiesel markets - development in production and trade. Union for the promotion of oil and protein seeds (UFOP) and Ecofys, Berlin, Germany.

P. Lamers, C. Hamelinck, M. Junginger, A. Faaij (2011). The impact of policies and trade measures on the development of global liquid biofuel production and trade. Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: From Research to Industry and Markets, Berlin, Germany, pp. 2442-2444.

C. Hamelinck, M. Koper, P. van Breevoort, P. Lamers (2010). Renewable Energy in Transport - Input for the EC Biofuels Progress Report. Ecofys, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

P. Lamers, C. Klessmann, G. Resch (2009). Renewable energy policies and technologies in the EU – an analysis of historic and expected future developments. European Environmental Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark.


​Conference Presentations (Selection)

Developing the Global Bioeconomy - Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy. International Wood Refining Week, Stockholm, Sweden, May 24, 2016.


Feedstock supply system designs for mobilizing a billion tons of biomass. Thompson, D., E. Searcy, P. Lamers, K. Kenney, J. R. Hess. AIChE Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, November 10, 2015.


Biomass Trade and Supply in a Global Bio‐based Economy. IEA Bioenergy & DIA-CORE Workshop, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, May 2015.


Towards Sustainable International Biomass Trade Strategies. Biotrade2020+, Brussels, Belgium, October 2014.


Biomass trade and supply system opportunities for a worldwide bio-based economy. World Bioenergy, Jönköping, Sweden, June 2014.

Overview of biogenic carbon analyses and lessons learned from southeast US carbon accounting case studies. Pinchot Institute Sustainability Workshop on Woody Biomass, Savannah, GA, USA, October 2013.


Sustainability in international solid biofuel trade. European Pellets Conference, Wels, Austria, February 2012.

International biodiesel markets: production and trade developments. 9th International Congress Fuels for the Future, Berlin, Germany, January 2012.

Solid biofuel trade developments and implications for future growth. Bioenergy Commodity Trading Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2011.

Global developments and European trends in solid biofuel trade. 11th International BBE-Congress for Wood Energy, Augsburg, Germany, September 2011.

Exponential growth in world biofuel trade – the influence of policies and market factors. Renewable Energy World Europe, Milano, Italy, June 2011.

Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC: requirements and market impacts. 8th International Congress Fuels for the Future, Berlin, Germany, January 2011.

EU renewable energy policies – analysis of historic developments. Transatlantic Climate Bridge, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 2009.

Research Interests:
​Environmental impact assessment; modeling and analysis of temporal biomass carbon, global biomass markets and trade dynamics under varying constraints, biomass supply logistics and sourcing optimization; renewable energy and climate policy analysis.​


Version: 25.0
Created at 6/9/2015 10:23 AM by Brendi M. Heath
Last modified at 12/14/2017 8:42 AM by Phyllis L. King