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Mark Kaczor, J.D.

Research Areas:


Mark A. Kaczor is Idaho National Laboratory’s senior commercialization lead and manager for the National & Homeland Security Directorate. He is responsible for special commercialization activities, patenting, and licensing. Some recent accomplishments include coordinating the INL effort to obtain research support from the DOE Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF), with nine winning proposals in FY-16 leveraging $2.34 million in funding, securing Innovation Development Funds to support an effort to integrate the WSComm wireless waveform into the 3GPP-5G mobile telephone communications standard – a first-of-its-kind activity within the U.S. Department of Energy’s national laboratory system – and helping to rebuild the Technology Deployment Department during his 16 months as acting director by establishing the position of senior software licensing manager to create a vibrant software creation environment with open source software use and deployment, and filling several key positions with highly qualified personnel such as the market research and business intelligence position. Kaczor earned his Juris Doctor degree from Western New England College School of Law, is a licensed attorney in New York state, is a Licensing Executives Society (LES) Certified Licensing Professional (CLP), holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, and has past qualifications as a nuclear plant licensed senior reactor operator (SRO) and a certified radiation protection technician by the National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists (NRRPT).

Version: 1.0
Created at 1/23/2017 2:47 PM by Phyllis L. King
Last modified at 1/23/2017 2:47 PM by Phyllis L. King